
Obstacles limiting the inclusion of women as sources

There are a variety of reasons why women experts aren’t sourced in news stories as often as men. Both journalists and the women experts themselves face challenges. For journalists, unconscious bias, tight deadlines, industries with a lack of women in leadership to serve as sources, and cultural challenges affect their ability to identify women experts. For women, corporate policies that determine who speaks to the media, lack of media training for women, and a higher probability of online harassment limit their opportunities to speak with journalists.

Reflect Reality gathered insights from around the world highlighting some of these challenges.


Reflect Reality consulted with journalists from around the world at the Women Deliver conference in Vancouver to learn more about their experience including women as sources in the news. Top-line feedback included a reluctance for many women to accept interviews due to cultural norms or lack of confidence in their expertise, and difficulty identifying women in management positions in business.

The working group included journalists from Canada, Chile, DRC, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, New Zealand, Peru, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.